Hole cutting tool
Modular knife (K interface)
What is turning
The turning process uses single blade cutting tools to machine cylindrical and circular shapes. The condition for defining turning is that the tool is stationary and the workpiece rotates.
The turning process is the most common metal cutting technique and a highly optimized process that requires careful consideration of various factors in turning applications.
Turning can be divided into many basic applications (longitudinal turning, end face turning, and profile turning), which require specific types of tools, cutting parameters, and programming to ensure the most efficient execution of the turning process.
Initial considerations for turning
Consider the following size and quality requirements for the parts to be processed:
● Application type, such as vertical turning or profile turning, internal turning or external turning
● Method type, such as rough machining or precision machining
● Large and stable components
● Small, long, slender, thin-walled parts
● Nose radius
● Quality requirements (tolerances, surface quality, etc.)
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Tel: 0572-6635088
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Postcode: 313100