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Inserts for Boring System
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Home > Product Lines > Hole Making > Boring System>Morse Taper Adaptor for Boring Tool

Product Features

1.The utility model has the advantages of simple structure and convenient use

The utility model relates to a Morse taper shank, which is a shank composed of a jig head and a jig handle. The utility model has the advantages of simple structure and convenient use, and the workpiece can be clamped only by putting the workpiece into the fixture head and adjusting the position of the fixture handle. At the same time, the fixture handle adopts manual adjustment mode, which can be adjusted according to different workpiece diameters, thus improving the use flexibility. 

2. Safe and reliable

Morse taper shank with friction and elastic force clamping workpiece, clamping force, can ensure the workpiece fixed and stable. At the same time, the self-locking structure between the fixture head and the fixture handle can effectively prevent the workpiece from falling off and sliding, and improve the safety and reliability. 

3.Adapt to different diameter of the workpiece

Morse taper shank using adjustable fixture shank structure, can adapt to different diameter of the workpiece clamping. When machining workpieces of various diameters, the clamping can be realized by adjusting the position of the jig handle without replacing the jig head, which saves the time and cost of replacing the jig head. 

4.The utility model has a wide range of application

Morse taper shank is suitable for milling machines, lathes and other processing equipment, and is suitable for the processing of various materials. For the workpiece with higher sealing requirement, Morse taper shank can also achieve better sealing effect, and it is not easy to produce pollution in the processing. To sum up, Morse taper shank is a simple, easy to use, safe and reliable, to adapt to different diameter of the workpiece fixture, widely used in the processing industry.

Product Ranges

Morse Taper Adaptor for Boring Tool


DesignationStandard shankD2X1Kg
MT6A E63MT#663504.46
MT80A E80 Metric 8080287.61

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Tool informationExisting cutting tool 1Existing cutting tool 2Test Tool 2
Cutter body (cutter head, arbor, Shank) modelSLN200-270(Rough Boring Tool)SLN200-270(Precision Boring Tool)SNL 210-290.C
(Coarse and Fine Boring Tool)
Number of teeth211
Blade and cutting tool typeCCMT 120408TCGT110204L AC520U(BIG)TCGT110204L AC520U(BIG)
Number of blade/blade233
Linear Velocity VC(M/min)158150225
Feed rate per tooth(mm/z)0.1070.180.132
Per feed transfer(mm/rev)0.2140.180.132
Table/spindle feed(mm/min)453640
Cutting Depth ap(mm)444
Processing Surface roughnessRa
Processing length L(mm)280280280
Single piece processing time(S)373467420
Number of work pieces processed

August 21 test, provided by the customer blade, test knife body size stability, coarse and fine one-way vibration-free knife phenomenon, up and down hole size changes in. 005, save half precision time 6.2 min, test results approved by customers.

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